4 Hour CORE CE | Self-Paced V.2025

3 modules



Course Length
4 hours

REALTORS® Real Estate School


This course enables the real estate broker to understand the relationships formed between the sponsoring broker, the sponsored licensee and members of the public. It addresses the professional, legal interactions of brokerage relationships as well as the ethical and practical aspects. The course discusses Illinois license law, grounds for disciplinary action and the responsibilities of brokerage and brokerage relationships, including the handling of escrow and transaction documents. Fair Housing issues are addressed from the standpoint of the evolution of protectionary laws and the duties and restrictions by which brokerages, licensees, landlords, tenants, sellers and buyers are governed. Advertising in real estate is explained in terms of what is required by law in not only the advertisements themselves, but also the laws governing the development and placement of ads.


4 Hours CORE Continuing Education Credit


Objective 1:  Knowledge

To identify and define:

  • Purpose of the Real Estate Act of 2000
  • Licensees’ duties
  • Changes in license law
  • Disciplinary actions for non-adherence to the law
  • The agency and non-agency relationships between brokerages/licensees and consumers, customers and clients
  • The duties required within the various possible agency relationships
  • The relationships between sponsoring brokers and licensees
  • How agency can be created
  • Brokerage agreements and their characteristics and obligations
  • What information needs to be disclosed
  • Escrow requirements
  • The types of acts prohibited by Fair Housing Laws
  • The protected classes
  • The responsibilities of Sellers, Buyers and Agents in abiding by Fair Housing Laws
  • Requirements for advertising that adheres to the law

Objective 2:  Comprehension and Analysis

To explain and distinguish:

  • What violates license laws and what stays within the law
  • The different types of agency relationships available
  • The contracts/agreements/disclosures necessary for the different types of agency relationships
  • Brokerage agreements
  • The specific duties that are attached to the various agency relationships
  • Illinois specific requirements
  • What behaviors create agency
  • Proper and improper handling of escrow
  • Proper handling of documents in transactions.
  • Various categories and behaviors that are discriminatory
  • Various categories of advertising that adheres to or violates the law

Objective 3:  Application and Evaluation

To interpret and evaluate:

  • Behavior necessary to adhere to license law requirements
  • The type of agency most appropriate for the circumstances
  • How to handle various circumstances and situations that might arise during a real estate transaction
  • When a disclosure is necessary and what purpose it serves
  • Different business models and how they impact the consumer
  • Agreements and what they allow and disallow
  • The proper procedures for handling monies, etc. in a transaction.
  • Confidentiality of transaction documents
  • If an act is discriminatory
  • How to recognize and prevent discrimination
  • Behavior and actions that may be cause for disciplinary actions.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Online Core Transcript 564.003212

Learning Credits

CE Self-Paced Course Overview 2025
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4 Hour CORE
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REQUIRED: Course Survey
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Added 7 days ago, by Anonymous
Added 11 days ago, by PRESCILIANO
Added 11 days ago, by Ramona
Excellent, longer than expected.
Added 12 days ago, by Tashena
Added 12 days ago, by Bonnie
Added 15 days ago, by John
Added 18 days ago, by Linda
Added 19 days ago, by Mary Lou
Added 20 days ago, by Bridget
Added about 1 month ago, by Don

By signing up for a course provided or offered by the Chicago Association of REALTORS® or any of its officers, employees, partners, agents, affiliates, or independent contractors (collectively, “Association”), you accept and agree to abide by the following terms, conditions, and disclaimers as well as the Chicago Association of REALTORS®’ Policy Manual and all other policies, terms, and conditions of the Association (collectively, “Policies”), which Policies may be amended from time to time: 

1. You agree to act and dress in a professional manner at all times while participating in a course. This includes when participating in online courses. You agree not to disrupt any courses, the Association, its instructors, or other students.  To avoid disruption, you agree to be on time to all courses unless you have notified the instructor in advance.  The Association may remove you from the course at any time, if, in the sole discretion of the Association, you violate any of the Policies; are disruptive to the course, the Association, its instructors, or other students. 

2. You may not record or photograph any course without the prior written permission of the Association. 

3. You agree that when participating in an in-person course or on Association property that you will follow all health requirements and directives from the Association.  You also agree not to come to an in-person class if you have or suspect that you may have a contagious illness. 

4. You give permission to the Association to record and take photographs of you during your participation in all courses, to use the recordings and photographs for Association promotional materials, and to replay and share any videos or Zoom recordings of the courses. 

5. The payment of any fees for a course is due prior to commencement of a course unless otherwise provided by the Association.  The Association has the right to deny you entrance to a course in the event that you have not paid for the course in full prior to the commencement of the course. The eligibility for any refunds shall be governed by the terms of the Association’s Policy Manual. Registration for a course is not transferable. 

6. You acknowledge and agree that the Association may share information about your participation and attendance at a course, as well as the results of any examinations conducted as part of a course, with your managing broker and any others as deemed reasonably necessary by the Association.  

7. While the Association will try to avoid doing so, the Association reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course as the Association deems necessary or prudent for any reason, including if an insufficient number of students enroll in a course.  In the event that the Association cancels or reschedules a course, you may be entitled to a refund in accordance with the Association’s refund policies. 

8. The course materials are the intellectual property of the Association and are subject to copyright.  Unauthorized use or distribution of course materials may violate applicable copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws.  You may not reproduce, republished, distributed, sell, or transfer the course materials without the express advanced written permission of the Association. The Association provides the course materials solely for informational purposes only. 

9. The Association will endeavor to provide you an excellent, professional, and positive education experience.  However, the Association provides the courses and course materials “as-is” and makes no warranties of any kind with regard to the courses, instructors and quality of instruction, or course materials, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. The Association does not guarantee, for example, that you will pass any exams for licensure by taking Association courses. 

10. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and, at the Association’s option, defend the Association, its affiliates, and their respective officers, employees, attorneys, and agents to the fullest extent of the law from any and all damage, costs, loss, risk, liability, and expense (including attorneys’ fees and costs) from claims that may be asserted at any time against any of those parties in connection with your participation in the Association’s courses, use of the course materials,  or violation of the Association’s Policies; provided, however, that this indemnity does not, and will not, apply to the sole negligence on the part of the Association.  YOU ALSO HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHTS TO (I) MONETARY DAMAGES THAT ARE IN EXCESS OF THE FEES PAID BY YOU TO THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE COURSE AT ISSUE AND (II) INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES AGAINST THE ASSOCIATION. 

11. The Polices and your agreement to abide by them shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to conflict of law principles, and in the event that you bring any claims against the Association, you shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. 

12. If any term, condition, or provision of these terms and conditions or other Policies is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, you agree the remainder of these terms and conditions and other Policies shall remain in effect.

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